'I place the call of anointing over your head.' The Lords Prophetic Words of Encouragement:

'I place the call of anointing over your head.' 

Exodus 23:20‭-‬21 AMP

20. Behold, I am going to send an Angel before you to keep and guard you on the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. 21. Be on your guard before Him, listen to and obey His voice; do not be rebellious toward Him or provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgression, since My Name (authority) is in Him.

Exodus 29:6‭-‬9 NLT

6. Place the turban on his head, and fasten the sacred medallion to the turban. 7. Then anoint him by pouring the anointing oil over his head. 8. Next present his sons, and dress them in their tunics. 9. Wrap the sashes around the waists of Aaron and his sons, and put their special head coverings on them. Then the right to the priesthood will be theirs by law forever. In this way, you will ordain Aaron and his sons.

Leviticus 8:12 AMP

12. Then he poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron’s head and anointed him, to consecrate him.

1 John 2:19‭-‬20 AMP

19. They went out from us [seeming at first to be Christians], but they were not really of us [because they were not truly born again and spiritually transformed]; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out [teaching false doctrine], so that it would be clearly shown that none of them are of us. 20. But you have an anointing from the Holy One [you have been set apart, specially gifted and prepared by the Holy Spirit], and all of you know [the truth because He teaches us, illuminates our minds, and guards us from error].

1 John 2:25‭-‬27 AMP

25. This is the promise which He Himself promised us—eternal life. 26. These things I have written to you with reference to those who are trying to deceive you [seducing you and leading you away from the truth and sound doctrine]. 27. As for you, the anointing [the special gift, the preparation] which you received from Him remains [permanently] in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you. But just as His anointing teaches you [giving you insight through the presence of the Holy Spirit] about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as His anointing has taught you, you must remain in Him [being rooted in Him, knit to Him].

Psalms 141:4‭-‬5 AMP

4. Do not incline my heart to [consent to or tolerate] any evil thing, Or to practice deeds of wickedness With men who plan and do evil; And let me not eat of their delicacies (be tempted by their gain). 5. Let the righteous [thoughtfully] strike (correct) me—it is a kindness [done to encourage my spiritual maturity]. It is [the choicest anointing] oil on the head; Let my head not refuse [to accept and acknowledge and learn from] it; For still my prayer is against their wicked deeds.

Psalms 20:6‭-‬7 TPT

6. I know God gives me all that I ask for and brings victory to his anointed king. My deliverance cry will be heard in his holy heaven. By his mighty hand miracles will manifest through his saving strength. 
7. Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in the Lord our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory!

In Jesus Name, Amen.

Please meditate on the scriptures I have been led by the Holy Spirit to use.  For further teaching please read the entire chapter in the bible. Collectively they will give you insight into God’s message and your own revelation. 

I would like to encourage you also to look up the definition of keywords you do not understand. This will help enlarge your understanding of the scriptures as you grow in the knowledge of the Lord.

Please comment and share if you have been encouraged or you have a testimony to share.

Please check out my website for my YouTube videos and my children books.

Thank you and God-bless you and your family.

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