'Listen to my words daily.' The Lords Prophetic Words of Encouragement:
'Listen to my words daily and allow them to change you internally.
I have so much more for you my child.
I will be with you every step of the way.'
Hebrews 10:34-36 AMP
For you showed sympathy and deep concern for those who were imprisoned, and you joyfully accepted the [unjust] seizure of your belongings and the confiscation of your property, conscious of the fact that you have a better possession and a lasting one [prepared for you in heaven].
Do not, therefore, fling away your [fearless] confidence, for it has a glorious and great reward.
For you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised.
Proverbs 4:20-24 AMP
My son, pay attention to my words and be willing to learn; Open your ears to my sayings.
Do not let them escape from your sight; Keep them in the center of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them, And healing and health to all their flesh.
Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.
Put away from you a deceitful (lying, misleading) mouth, And put devious lips far from you.
Jeremiah 6:17 AMP
I have set watchmen (prophets) over you, Saying, ‘Listen and pay attention to the [warning] sound of the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not listen.’
Jeremiah 6:18 AMPC
Therefore hear, O [Gentile] nations, and know, O congregation [of believing ones], what [great things I will do] to them.
Jeremiah 6:19 AMP
Hear, O earth: behold, I am bringing disaster on this people, The fruit of their schemes, Because they have not listened and paid attention to My words, And as for My law, they have rejected it also.
Psalms 141:5-6 TPT
When one of your godly lovers corrects me or one of your faithful ones rebukes me, I will accept it like an honor I cannot refuse. It will be as healing medicine that I swallow without an offended heart. Even if they are mistaken, I will continue to pray.
When the leaders and judges are condemned, falling upon the rocks of justice, then they’ll know my words to them were true!
Proverbs 22:17-19 TPT
Listen carefully and open your heart. Drink in the wise revelation that I impart.
You’ll become winsome and wise when you treasure the beauty of my words. And always be prepared to share them at the appropriate time.
For I’m releasing these words to you this day, yes, even to you, so that your living hope will be found in God alone, for he is the only one who is always true.
Proverbs 8:32-36 TPT
“So listen, my sons and daughters, to everything I tell you, for nothing will bring you more joy than following my ways.
Listen to my counsel, for my instruction will enlighten you. You’ll be wise not to ignore it.
If you wait at wisdom’s doorway, longing to hear a word for every day, joy will break forth within you as you listen for what I’ll say.
For the fountain of life pours into you every time that you find me, and this is the secret of growing in the delight and the favor of the Lord.
But those who stumble and miss me will be sorry they did! For ignoring what I have to say will bring harm to your own soul. Those who hate me are simply flirting with death!”
James 1:22-24 AMP
But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth].
For if anyone only listens to the word without obeying it, he is like a man who looks very carefully at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he immediately forgets what he looked like.
Ephesians 1:13-14 NLT
And now you Gentiles have also heard the truth, the Good News that God saves you. And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago.
The Spirit is God’s guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him.
Psalms 16:5-6 TPT
Lord, I have chosen you alone as my inheritance. You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion. I leave my destiny and its timing in your hands.
Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you, for you have given me the best!
Psalms 15:1-3 TPT
Lord, who dares to dwell with you? Who presumes the privilege of being close to you, living next to you in your shining place of glory? Who are those who daily dwell in the life of the Holy Spirit?
They are passionate and wholehearted, always sincere and always speaking the truth— for their hearts are trustworthy.
They refuse to slander or insult others; they’ll never listen to gossip or rumors, nor would they ever harm another with their words.
Deuteronomy 2:7 NLT
For the Lord your God has blessed you in everything you have done. He has watched your every step through this great wilderness. During these forty years, the Lord your God has been with you, and you have lacked nothing.
Romans 8:28 AMP
And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his plan and purpose.
2 Corinthians 1:20-22 NLT
For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.
It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ. He has commissioned us, and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised us.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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